Performance Voyage – Performance Portfolio 2013.
In co-operation with MUU Artist Association was produced and published Performance Portfolio -Anja Helminen 2013. Performance Voyage – Performance Portfolio project was first shown 27.4.2013 in Kiasma Theatre, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Helsinki. The theme of the event organized by the artist association Muu is documentation of performance and presentation of documentation. The event primarily reviews the documentation of performance and ways of presenting documentation through a portfolio of five different performance artists, but also focuses on other ways to utilize digital collections as a distribution channel for performing arts.
Performance portfolio 2013 is a series of five DVD portfolios based on documentation material that present the production of artists. The artists are Anja Helminen, Helinä Hukkataival, Varpu Lukka, Hannele Romppanen and Taina Valkonen. In addition to introducing the artist’s production, the Finnish and English DVD portfolios include an artist’s video interview. The DVD-ROM folder contains downloadable image and text files. The DVD portfolio has been produced by the Artists’ Association Muu, and its partner has been the AV communication of the Stadi Vocational College. The project has been supported by the Arts Council.
After the first shown in Kiasma Theatre, project have been shown in several times in video- and performance-festivals in Europe.
Project concept: Artist Association Muu
Performance Portfolio: Anja Helminen
Producer and curator: Artist Association Muu
Thank you / Supported by: Arts Council Finland, Artist Association Muu

Video performances -screening 2009-2010 in Finland and Estonia.
Video performances- screening, Rain of Down- demonstrates the video-performances presented for camera. Screening is selected by focusing on artist and their works, which discusses the borderlines of a video work, a video performance, and a live performance.
Screening was first shown in 2009 as a three weeks exhibition in Helsinki Galleria Huuto. In the exhibition presented video-performances and live-performances. Rain of Down- screening was also shown in Tallinn, in Tampere and in Pärnu.
In August 2010 Rain of Down- screening was adapted for performance festival and was shown in Theatre Telakka Tampere. Screening was arranged in co-operation with Perfo10- annual performance and video club in Tampere, Finland. In Pärnu Estonia, Rain of Down- screening was invited by Pärnu Linnagalerii 2010 and it was shown in Artist´s House and Center of Contraculture.
In 2010 Rain of Down was shown as a series of the three Screenings invited by Tallinn Linnagalerii. The first show was in 27th of March, the second in 17th of June, and the last screening was shown in 13th of November 2010.
Project concept: Anja Helminen
Producers and curators: Anja Helminen and Kaarina Ormio
Thank you / Supported by: Arts Council of Finland, AVEK, Helsinki City, FRAME, Galleria Huuto, Eesti Kultuurkapital, Kunstihoone Linnagalerii, Anders Härm, TEHDAS ry, Janne Rahkila, Eero Yli-Vakkuri and Siram.
Aino On The Mirror Stage -project 2006-2007.
Aino On The Mirror Stage -project demonstrates the video-performance presented for camera. Project is focusing on co-operation between the artist and their work.
Project-work was first shown in Verstas V -dance and multimedia festival in Room Theatre Jyväskylä 2007. After that videowork -Aino In The Mirror Stage- have been shown in several times in Art- and videofestivals in Europe.
Project concept: Anja Helminen
Video: Anja Helminen
Dance: Mia Tiihonen
Thank you / Supported by: Central Finland Regional Dance Center